Friday, 4 January 2013

Banking and Finance Discrepancies an Unfair Treatment to the Clientele

Damn it!! Feels like strangling the person who is in charge of my property financing. I am super angry right now. This has put a dent in my trust to the bank.

I received a letter from my developer that the house has already completed it's 25% and 35% around two weeks back. So, the financier a.k.a the bank was supposed to release the money to the developer before it is due. Due date in on fcuking 7th January 2013. Now it is 5th and it's Saturday. Too bad I could not get in touch with the bank because it is Saturday. Straight away I called the developer and to inquire whether the money has been released already or not. To my greatest horror, they haven't released a single cent and payment is due this Monday. Thanks to the bank, now I am bound to the 10% interest rate per annum charged by the developer to the buyer. 25% progressive is about RM 42k, and I think I am subjected to the interest of 10%, which is about RM 4200. Holy shit!

I mean, come on. The bank should be professional in handling those matter. They have to be fair to their clientele right? When it is due it is due, release the money and I'll pay accordingly. Seriously what is the problem with this banks??? I'm not the type those who likes to bug, to call and to ask around every day because it irritates me and they will get irritated as well. They are not taking thing seriously because they are not subjected to the interest charged by the developer.

To be very honest and square, I should have called the bank earlier and inquire when will they release the money to the developer once I got the developer's letter already. Like what I did during the first 10%, call and ask repeatedly. It seems that I gained their confidence because the bank could handle the first payment in time. But look what happen to the subsequent payment? They haven't pay shit and I cannot believe this.

The nature of my work is not like some office admin stuff, working office hours, punch in at 8.00am, lunch break from 12.30 to 2.00 pm and go home at 5.00pm. Hell no! I have to be watching those monitors every damn day and sometimes I havent got any time to do some administrative thing. That is my job is all about. Have to come early, no lunch breaks, hardly can be released to do some banking, or JPJ or tax or any craps around, and once in a while I could punch out a little bit earlier when all the tasks has been completed.  Feels like I should have a secretary to handle this matter. Luckily, I got some good friends who are willing to help out on this paperwork stuff. Really appreciate his honesty and willingness to help out.

Old people saying is true enough, people learn from mistakes they made and experience is the best teacher all around. This is the first time for me to be involved in purchasing of property so I am a little inexperience about it. So, for a change of strategy and friendly reminder towards myself, I have to plan ahead of time :

1) To call up the developer early and ask when is the next payment is due. I have already confirmed the date as for now.

10% - Payment Settled by both me and the bank on 13th December 2012
25% - Due this Monday (I'm stepping into the battlefield this monday. Shud I ask my trusted friend to help?)
35% - Due on 14th January 2013
45% - Due on 25th January 2013
As for the rest is still not confirmed yet.

2) Once receive the letter of progressive completion, to straight away call the bank and irritate them multiple times. If I am not doing this, then the same incident will recur.

3) To be very clear upon the instructions next time around. I missed the reminder letter little words written in italics saying "kindly follow-up with your financier for release of the loan on or before the last day for payment failing which interest will be levied into your account and interest at 10.00% per annum will be charged in overdue account".  The word follow-up carries a lot of weight here.

Ok, now I'm a bit calm down. Luckily I have got no customer around on this Saturday morning.

Jones in the Fast Lane

Hello all. This is the first time that I'm going to write in blogs. The main reasons of writing this blog is to improvise my writing skills and to ramble about anything that came out of my thoughts. My English has became for crappy and shitty ever since I left high school. 

Talk about happiness? I'm quite satisfied and happy with life at the moment. During my childhood days, I used to play a computer game titled "Jones in the Fast Lane". There are four criteria to be met in order to win the game. The criteria are Career, Money, Academics and Happiness. Well, I graduated from a local university with a degree, have a stable job with satisfactory income level, I'm driving a decent car and just completed purchasing my first property. Those things made me happy indeed. Of course there is always a vision to achieve greater goals but as for this moment, I'm generally content with myself. 

During childhood I loved playing the game so much until my mother banned it to be played. And eventually the game was missing from my hands because it was played via a floppy disc back then. It can only be accessed through MS-DOS, there is no savvy-levy Microsoft Windows to copy or to store the game. Once the disket got infected or corrupted, you can never get to play those game anymore. What an awesome childhood days I had. Well, the game is really well constructed, imagine you are just barely 6-7 year old and you are already thinking about shaping your own future! I have to write about the game, some other time.

I'm still waiting for my ipad mini to arrive. Waiting is killing me, as it is scheduled to arrive on 17th January. I'm tried looking for it in machine store in KLCC, The Mines, Alamanda but to no avail. So I decided to purchase it online using debit card. It is gonna be the first gadget I have ever bought in 5 years time, previously being the iphone 3GS. Man, I have been using the phone for 5 years, and it is still intact. I love apple products for being very durable. My phone has been accidentally dropped to the floor million times and even being soaked in water but it is still usable. It is like indestructible.

Some people might say I am doing locum too frequent. Maybe I'm a little too aggressive looking for side income but what the heck. That is what I'm good at and I really enjoy doing it . As long that I am not oppressing or use or annoy anyone, no one can complaint right?
I'm longing for holidays and I want to go to Redang. But now, it is best to be avoided because of the rainy seasons. I missed redang and snorkeling too. 

Okay, times up. I thought its gonna be easy writing up a blog and just ramble on whatever you want but I found it quite difficult to be honest. Maybe I have to write up in Rojak or Campur-campur as my extent of vocabulary is extremely narrow.
p/s : I think I'm going to list down my wish lists first. It is gonna be a long term wishlist.

1) To own at least 2 properties by the age of 30, 5 properties by age of 40 (Currently 1 but still in progress)
2) To get marry and have children
3) To visit Barcelona Stadium, Camp Nou
4) To see Malaysia qualify for world cup
5) To open a burger stall
6) To further my studies 
7) To see my parents live until the age of 80 year old
8) To go for holidays in Maldives
9) To achieve a stable 5 digits income per month